
Importance of An Advertising Budget For Your New Business

School Of Digital Advertising - Copywriting & Content Marketing Courses in Malaysia

All too often in my career as an advertising and marketing counselor, I have come across many business owners who have come up with some great product or service ideas, and they spent all their money or investments in product development and left none for marketing. This can be the cause of failure. Having a great product is very good, but if no one knows about it and no one buys it, then the business cannot take flight.


In my career and life, I have met many people including clients who do not put aside some money for marketing and advertising purposes, and this can be risky. When I was working at an ad agency before (DDB), there was a line that was commonly used in the office – “You are sitting in a dark room with the most beautiful woman in the world. You are winking at her, but she doesn’t know it.” They equate not advertising a product to line above, meaning – only you know what you are doing, but no one else.


School Of Digital Advertising - Copywriting & Content Marketing Courses in Malaysia


Therefore, if you wish to attract someone’s attention, you will have to reach out to him or her, in this case, your target audience. Shine a light on your product – advertise it. Bring some attention to it. For this, you should always put aside a decent budget for your marketing and advertising expenses so that you can tell people about your products or services and where they can find them. Many entrepreneurs and inventors get so caught up with their ideas and invest most of their investment into the product, leaving nothing to market the product later. Because of the lack of importance placed on advertising and a budget for it, many promising businesses have failed, sadly.


The School Of Digital Advertising was formed to help business owners take charge of their own marketing and advertising needs which will help save them lots of money on designers’ or advertising agency fees, which can be expensive for a new business. The business owner stands to benefit when he learns how to market his own company at any time at a fraction of a third-party designer’s fee.


If you do not have a large advertising budget to launch your products and ideas, why not invest a little of your time to acquire the knowledge that will last you a lifetime? You may register for a course yourself or send a staff or two to be trained – the investment can be less than a digital marketing agency’s first invoice (of the many to come).


Hence, it is good to either learn marketing and advertising know-how and skills or keep aside some money for this expenditure to launch your business or company. And marketing is an ongoing thing that you will constantly need. When you learn these skills, you will be able to meet the fast-paced marketing world of Digital Marketing – where everything happens. You will be able to create your Facebook and other social media posts as and when you need them and not dictated by someone else (the agency/writer). You will be able to work fast and get things done and communicated just the way you want them to be.


With these design and writing skills that we teach at The School Of Digital Advertising, you will be able to design posts to test the ‘desirability of your products or services with your audiences and get feedback, before you continue to spend more money on product development or on advertisements. This can help with creating your product validation which is the most vital information you need for a new product or idea, and investors bank on this information before they invest in a company. They want to know if people like your product enough to want to buy them. So if you are short on an advertising budget, learn ways you can market your products for free and do it yourself. We are here to help you in your business journey.


View details of our One and 2 Day Courses today.


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We know our stuff, and you know your stuff

We know our stuff, and you know your stuff. This is why we had a great training session. – Forever Living Products
We know our stuff, and you know your stuff. This is why we had a great training session. – Forever Living Products 5.0 2015-11-13T10:36:56+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/we-know-our-stuff-and-you-know-your-stuff/

Excellent course, very detailed and great value-for-money

The trainer went into the nitty-gritty of planning Content Writing and executing it with flair and purpose. Joy Nandy helped simplify and shape our thinking towards writing with heart. It was an excellent course, very detailed and great value-for-money. I liked the in-depth structure covering most common pain-points for writers and Digital Marketing Executives. – Iqa (Petronas)
The trainer went into the nitty-gritty of planning Content Writing and executing it with flair and purpose. Joy Nandy helped simplify and shape our thinking towards writing with heart. It was an excellent course, very detailed and great value-for-money. I 

The feedback was specifically for me

I have attended many courses and seminars, this is the first time that I have received feedback from a trainer which was specifically for me and not the whole group because of the one-to-one attention by the trainer. – Faizah (Leap Ed - a Kanaga International Company)
I have attended many courses and seminars, this is the first time that I have received feedback from a trainer which was specifically for me and not the whole group because of the one-to-one attention by the trainer. – Faizah 

The trainer was friendly and humble in teaching

The trainer did specifically well in the explanation of the subjects. He was also friendly and humble in teaching. – Muhammad
The trainer did specifically well in the explanation of the subjects. He was also friendly and humble in teaching. – Muhammad 5.0 2019-12-13T00:54:33+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/the-trainer-was-friendly-and-humble-in-teaching/

I enjoyed the up-close-and-personal engagement with the trainer

What I liked most about the training is the trainer's knowledge on the topics (Copywriting & Content Writing) and the small group as I enjoyed the up-close-and-personal engagement with the trainer. – Syahnaz
What I liked most about the training is the trainer's knowledge on the topics (Copywriting & Content Writing) and the small group as I enjoyed the up-close-and-personal engagement with the trainer. – Syahnaz 5.0 2019-12-13T00:40:36+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/i-enjoyed-the-up-close-and-personal-engagement-with-the-trainer/

It was a great course…

It was a great course and I wish the length of the course can be lengthened a bit. A lot of the concepts and points just need more time to digest. [The trainer] "unpacked" every concept and explained well about Copywriting & Content Writing. – Faizah (Leap Ed - a Kanaga International Company)
It was a great course and I wish the length of the course can be lengthened a bit. A lot of the concepts and points just need more time to digest. [The trainer] "unpacked" every concept and explained well about 

A very good lecturer

A very good lecturer, explained everything we asked. – Carmen
A very good lecturer, explained everything we asked. – Carmen 5.0 2019-12-02T00:46:43+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/a-very-good-lecturer/

You will get your money’s worth from procuring SODA’s services

Joy Nandy's reputation precedes him - an experienced and sublime Copywriter & Content Writer. I benefited immensely from his condensed and conducive lessons/seminars. His course benefited me greatly in adding flair, brevity and poise to my writings, which is exactly his style of writing (he has authored several books under his belt). Joy himself is an experienced and famous Copywriter & Content Writer. His 20 years of experience in the...
Joy Nandy's reputation precedes him - an experienced and sublime Copywriter & Content Writer. I benefited immensely from his condensed and conducive lessons/seminars. His course benefited me greatly in adding flair, brevity and poise to my writings, which is exactly 

I liked that the course was very practical

I liked that the course was very practical. I would recommend extending the days of the course. – Suchi
I liked that the course was very practical. I would recommend extending the days of the course. – Suchi 5.0 2018-01-15T15:34:41+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/recommend-extending-days-course/

There were simple points to understand how advertising works

The course had practical stuff for both visual and Copywriting parts.  There were simple points to understand how advertising works. I would rather the Copywriting session has more time and practical. – Pei Yee
The course had practical stuff for both visual and Copywriting parts.  There were simple points to understand how advertising works. I would rather the Copywriting session has more time and practical. – Pei Yee 5.0 2018-01-15T15:31:48+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/simple-points-understand-advertising-works/

There was a lot of extra knowledge and extra information

There was a lot of extra knowledge and extra information (that was taught in the course). What I liked most about the course are the detail explanations and the hands-on work. – Megana
There was a lot of extra knowledge and extra information (that was taught in the course). What I liked most about the course are the detail explanations and the hands-on work. – Megana 5.0 2018-01-14T03:28:23+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/learned-much-advertising-works/

I especially liked the Copywriting part

I especially liked the copywriting part of the course. – Seiw Lei
I especially liked the copywriting part of the course. – Seiw Lei 5.0 2018-01-14T03:03:56+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/especially-enjoyed-copywriting-course/

Mr Joy really knows what he’s doing

It is hard to identify [what the trainer did well], Mr Joy really knows what he's doing. The course was extremely beneficial and useful in my line of work. I will practise every tip taught until I become a natural. I liked the informal setting of the class, and the content of the course. – Nurul (Petronas)
It is hard to identify [what the trainer did well], Mr Joy really knows what he's doing. The course was extremely beneficial and useful in my line of work. I will practise every tip taught until I become a natural. 
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