
Content Marketing & Content Writing Course in Malaysia

Content Marketing & Content Writing Course Malaysia

Content Marketing & Content Writing are the most effective and free ways to market products and services as a Digital Marketing strategy.

Companies and Marketing Managers everywhere are realising the truth of the statement below by Google:

Blogging or “writing” is the ultimate way to drive traffic to your website, and as a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategy – Google

Why Content Marketing & Content Writing is the best Digital Marketing Strategy?

There are many reasons why Content Marketing outweighs all other forms of Digital Marketing Strategies, such as, digital advertising. Here are some:

  1. It is Free
  2. You are in control of the content and distribution
  3. Your articles and blogs last forever (unlike digital ads)
  4. Google ranks original and meaningful articles high on its search engine
  5. Unlike digital ads, your article remains on the internet forever for people to find
  6. People trusts meaningful ‘stories’ instead of advertisements in this age
  7. You have more time to write details of your company, services, or products
  8. You can always delete or edit your content
  9. You have the flexibility to write content on Current Trends using appropriate ‘keywords’ and ‘keyphrases’ to be found on the internet
  10. You get to insert ‘keywords’ and ‘tags’ in your blogs to be found easily on search engines


Writing is a skill for life

At The School Of Digital Advertising, we offer many courses on Digital Marketing & Digital Advertising, many of them involve learning the tools available on a particular website which changes all the time. But learning the ‘writing skill’, is an asset for life. Once you learn the rule of writing for the various different media and objectives is a skill that remains with a person forever, available for use at anytime.


Companies training their staff in writing

There is a growing trend where companies have realised the importance of Content Marketing & Content Writing and are offering Content Marketing & Content Writing training for their sales and marketing staff. This move is in the right direction because a company’s full-time staff will know of the company’s ethos and ethics to write and express them better compared to a hired external writer. Staff of companies may not only ‘write’ content for their company’s products and services, but they can also make in-house videos (Content Marketing) using their smartphones. Using videos to run Recruitment ads for a company is also an effective way to reach out to potential candidates. All these can be done by a company’s in-house marketing department staff that will help save a lot of money on third-party fees.


Training your company staff in Content Writing & Content Marketing

Due to the many enquiries we get by companies requesting in-house training for our various courses, Content Marketing & Content Writing Courses seem to gain popularity.

The School Of Digital Advertising is pleased to offer companies in-house training on Content Marketing & Content Writing for their staff. The more staff who writes and shares about a company, the more the brand shall be heard. A company can use its own staff to start a following for its brand or products when staff know the Rules and Techniques for effective Content Marketing & Content Writing.


To find out more about our in-house training, please email us Today. For course information.


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One Response to “Content Marketing & Content Writing Course in Malaysia”

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We know our stuff, and you know your stuff

We know our stuff, and you know your stuff. This is why we had a great training session. – Forever Living Products
We know our stuff, and you know your stuff. This is why we had a great training session. – Forever Living Products 5.0 2015-11-13T10:36:56+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/we-know-our-stuff-and-you-know-your-stuff/

Excellent course, very detailed and great value-for-money

The trainer went into the nitty-gritty of planning Content Writing and executing it with flair and purpose. Joy Nandy helped simplify and shape our thinking towards writing with heart. It was an excellent course, very detailed and great value-for-money. I liked the in-depth structure covering most common pain-points for writers and Digital Marketing Executives. – Iqa (Petronas)
The trainer went into the nitty-gritty of planning Content Writing and executing it with flair and purpose. Joy Nandy helped simplify and shape our thinking towards writing with heart. It was an excellent course, very detailed and great value-for-money. I 

The feedback was specifically for me

I have attended many courses and seminars, this is the first time that I have received feedback from a trainer which was specifically for me and not the whole group because of the one-to-one attention by the trainer. – Faizah (Leap Ed - a Kanaga International Company)
I have attended many courses and seminars, this is the first time that I have received feedback from a trainer which was specifically for me and not the whole group because of the one-to-one attention by the trainer. – Faizah 

The trainer was friendly and humble in teaching

The trainer did specifically well in the explanation of the subjects. He was also friendly and humble in teaching. – Muhammad
The trainer did specifically well in the explanation of the subjects. He was also friendly and humble in teaching. – Muhammad 5.0 2019-12-13T00:54:33+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/the-trainer-was-friendly-and-humble-in-teaching/

I enjoyed the up-close-and-personal engagement with the trainer

What I liked most about the training is the trainer's knowledge on the topics (Copywriting & Content Writing) and the small group as I enjoyed the up-close-and-personal engagement with the trainer. – Syahnaz
What I liked most about the training is the trainer's knowledge on the topics (Copywriting & Content Writing) and the small group as I enjoyed the up-close-and-personal engagement with the trainer. – Syahnaz 5.0 2019-12-13T00:40:36+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/i-enjoyed-the-up-close-and-personal-engagement-with-the-trainer/

It was a great course…

It was a great course and I wish the length of the course can be lengthened a bit. A lot of the concepts and points just need more time to digest. [The trainer] "unpacked" every concept and explained well about Copywriting & Content Writing. – Faizah (Leap Ed - a Kanaga International Company)
It was a great course and I wish the length of the course can be lengthened a bit. A lot of the concepts and points just need more time to digest. [The trainer] "unpacked" every concept and explained well about 

A very good lecturer

A very good lecturer, explained everything we asked. – Carmen
A very good lecturer, explained everything we asked. – Carmen 5.0 2019-12-02T00:46:43+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/a-very-good-lecturer/

You will get your money’s worth from procuring SODA’s services

Joy Nandy's reputation precedes him - an experienced and sublime Copywriter & Content Writer. I benefited immensely from his condensed and conducive lessons/seminars. His course benefited me greatly in adding flair, brevity and poise to my writings, which is exactly his style of writing (he has authored several books under his belt). Joy himself is an experienced and famous Copywriter & Content Writer. His 20 years of experience in the...
Joy Nandy's reputation precedes him - an experienced and sublime Copywriter & Content Writer. I benefited immensely from his condensed and conducive lessons/seminars. His course benefited me greatly in adding flair, brevity and poise to my writings, which is exactly 

I liked that the course was very practical

I liked that the course was very practical. I would recommend extending the days of the course. – Suchi
I liked that the course was very practical. I would recommend extending the days of the course. – Suchi 5.0 2018-01-15T15:34:41+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/recommend-extending-days-course/

There were simple points to understand how advertising works

The course had practical stuff for both visual and Copywriting parts.  There were simple points to understand how advertising works. I would rather the Copywriting session has more time and practical. – Pei Yee
The course had practical stuff for both visual and Copywriting parts.  There were simple points to understand how advertising works. I would rather the Copywriting session has more time and practical. – Pei Yee 5.0 2018-01-15T15:31:48+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/simple-points-understand-advertising-works/

There was a lot of extra knowledge and extra information

There was a lot of extra knowledge and extra information (that was taught in the course). What I liked most about the course are the detail explanations and the hands-on work. – Megana
There was a lot of extra knowledge and extra information (that was taught in the course). What I liked most about the course are the detail explanations and the hands-on work. – Megana 5.0 2018-01-14T03:28:23+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/learned-much-advertising-works/

I especially liked the Copywriting part

I especially liked the copywriting part of the course. – Seiw Lei
I especially liked the copywriting part of the course. – Seiw Lei 5.0 2018-01-14T03:03:56+08:00 https://joynandy.com/testimonials/especially-enjoyed-copywriting-course/

Mr Joy really knows what he’s doing

It is hard to identify [what the trainer did well], Mr Joy really knows what he's doing. The course was extremely beneficial and useful in my line of work. I will practise every tip taught until I become a natural. I liked the informal setting of the class, and the content of the course. – Nurul (Petronas)
It is hard to identify [what the trainer did well], Mr Joy really knows what he's doing. The course was extremely beneficial and useful in my line of work. I will practise every tip taught until I become a natural. 