“Content Writing is the best way to rank high on Google” – Google
They were not lying when they said that.
Many years ago, website owners used many tactics and tricks to fool Google, in order to have their websites on Google’s first page. But Google has caught on with all the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) tricks people have tried over the many years, and now exclusive say, that there is no way to rank well on its search engine if we do not post useful content and blogs that offer value to readers.
It would be a waste of time for anyone to post anything on the internet if it does not offer some “value” to the reader. Our prospects or target audience think just like us when it comes to consuming information on the net – we seek some value in the articles or content we read.
In any Content Writing or development, we have to make sure that we tell the reader something he or she does NOT already know – this is value. It could be on how to build or cure something. It could also be some kind of “Breaking News” or discoveries that you or your company made.
So much for what and how we should develop our Content, but let us see why and how Content Writing works better than running digital advertisements.
From our experience of running tradition ads, digital advertisements, and Content Writing, we find that Content Writing is the better Digital Marketing Strategy for many companies and products.
Here are a few reasons why Content Writing rocks:
1. Lasts forever on the internet | Has a limited public life |
2. More copy to explain details | Limited copy to explain |
3. Free | Paid |
4. You can post many meaningful content | Risk of ad fatigue if too frequent |
5. Edit Content as many times | Make a new ad (Cost) |
6. Use of keywords in copy for SEO | No use for keywords |
7. Can be found on Search Engines | Cannot be found on Search Engines |
As we can see from the table above, these seven reasons are just a small sample of the advantages of Content Writing as compared to Digital Advertising.
But how do we write good and meaningful Content that engages with our readers?
This is not the easiest task in the world just by the simple fact that many people are ‘afraid’ to write. So, there are fewer writers in the world compared to companies. Therefore, it would be worthwhile for company owners and staff to learn a few skills in Digital Marketing themselves, such as, Content Marketing & Content Writing.
Content Writing is said by Digital Marketing experts as the best Digital Marketing Strategy for 2019. Although many recognise it as a strategy that is here to stay permanently and not only for 2019, as it makes so much sense.
In our own experience of marketing The School Of Digital Advertising (SODA) through digital channels, we found that our blogs bring us the best response (our printed leaflets also work well). See? You are reading one of them!
You will see why this is so with the following example.
When we run ads on Facebook, our ads will only show to a chosen target audience, and it will be published for only as long as we have the advertising budget to spend, and also subject to the response we get. However, Facebook’s auto bid works on an algorithm that accumulates data over a week before it optimises our ad budget to give us the best rate. However, since it takes one to two weeks for Facebook to accumulate this data, the advertiser may not be enjoying much, or any, sales. This puts advertisers off, and they cancel or stop their ad campaign. This is a mistake because Facebook has not got all the data to give us the best CPC (Cost Per Click) rate.
On the other hand, when we write and post blogs and other content, these remain on the internet for as long as we wish, and it is a free exercise. We get to write on any subject that is currently trending, or on any subject matter that can provide some benefit and value to the reader in connection to our business, such as this article. At the moment SODA is promoting its new Content Marketing & Content Writing Training Course for Multidisciplinary businesses and companies, as many of such companies have approached it to be trained.
By writing articles and blogs on Content Writing, allows us to use the keywords “Content Writing” as many times as we wish, as we have done here. This gives this article a better chance at being found on Search Engines. If we write and post a blog once or twice a week, this shall keep our articles on top of the billions of files on the internet. This is how it works.
If our competitors are not active in blogging, it will give SODA a better chance to be found on search engines over them. This why many subscribe to Google Adwords, so that they do not have to worry about Content Writing. But these ads come with a price. However, we get to show how well we have mastered the internet when we can have our website links on Google’s first page organically. Even Google has respect for such websites.
You can apply this strategy for your business too. Learn the rules and techniques for good Content Writing & Content Marketing. Your content is your advertisement on the internet infinitely – and you pay nothing. Writing can be such a wonderful therapy, and we get to understand our own trade better by trying to explain it in writing to our prospective customers and clients.
If you wish to train your staff in Content Marketing & Content Writing, please get in touch with us today. Tell us what your company’s marketing goals are, and we are very happy to develop a custom-made course just for you and your staff.
You will do yourself write (smiley).
New Course:
By www.joynandy.com